Sunday, February 25, 2007
Look Ma, No Hands
Okay, so when I was a little girl, my friends and I always wished we could faint. It was cool. Well, today I can say it was kind of fun, but it hurt. I was sitting in church during the sacrament, when everyone's super quiet, and felt queasy, then nauseated, then faint. I leaned on Ryan and told him I felt like I was going to faint. He said, "Well, eat some crackers, then," kind of frustrated (because, he says, I never eat--though I do). Anyway, after the 2nd cracker, my mouth was so dry, and the blood was leaving my head, and I thought, "If only I can get to the bathroom and get some water..." I got up, walked about, hmmm, 8 s
teps, and the next thing I knew, I was out in the foyer, and Brandon and Ryan were picking me up from the floor, and my face HURT. I cried out of surprise, and embarassment, then Ryan made me laugh, "I thought you died...hahaha!" About half the ward saw or heard my head hit the floor and asked me how I was doing after the meeting. Ryan said he saw the whole thing from his chair: I got out the door, went to my knees, then did a face plant without any hands. Hahaha. Reason: I didn't eat breakfast rushing off to church, and I'm 14 weeks along.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Keira Nalei`opu`uhilina`i Sui Sin Fa Johnson is our Baby's full name.
When I was pregnant, I couldn't decide on a Hawaiian name, or an English name. We wanted her middle name to be Nalei, sort of after my mom's, which is Kalei. I liked Olivia for a first name, Ryan hated it. She would have been "Olivia Nalei Johnson" which sounded too much like Olivia Newton John (which ISN'T a bad thing, but...). I also liked Kaatje (kaa-tia), but that seemed too complicated for people. All along, Ryan wanted Keira, after Keira Knightley from Pirates of the Carribbean: I told Ryan, what if the actress goes porn star, then what, our daughter will be named after her--how nice. He just liked it because it was different, and Keira Knightly is pretty, which is probably why I didn't like it.

Lots of Hawaiian names were suggested, but they all just didn't fit her. She was a lively baby in my tummy, always moving, and I could tell she had lots of personality, so she needed a special Hawaiian name. Come time when she came on Jan 27, 2006, her due date, I still didn't have a name. My mom flew in from Hana, Maui that morning to be with us in the hospital:
We went home the 2nd day, and still no name came. The first morning at home, my mom told me about a mountain called Pu`uhilina`i that she and her students at Hana Elementary do a Hawaiian chant to in the morning. The story about Pu`uhilina`i is that years ago, it diverted lava from running into Hana Town and saved the town. Pu`u means hill. Hilina`i means "faith" or "to rely on, trust in." Nalei describes the children my mom teaches and people in Hana, where my grandfather's from.
Sui Sin Fa
Not too many people know, but Keira is part Chinese. She was born on Chinese New Year weekend 2006. When my Aunty Lokelani came to see her in the hospital, she brought Keira a Narcissus plant, and it smelled so good, I asked her what the Chinese word for the plant is. So Keira's middle name is Sui Sin Fa.
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